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Our Services

We’ll need your address to determine what plans and pricing are available in your area. This also helps us evaluate your next available connection date for moving house! Moving home is time a time consuming process, let us give you back some of your time by connecting your utilities on one phone call


Four Step Process

Request a Quote

Fill in our Request a Quote form so we can gather the right information.

Update Confirm to Collate

We use you’re address & usage profile to offer you available plans that suit your needs


Once your moving needs are addressed we’ll reconfirm all the details of the plan & savings

Book In Your Transfer

We’ll be in touch to let you know your options and when you’ve found a plan you’re happy with, continue on and answer a few more question to easily connect.

Electricity & Gas

Across Australia, most households and businesses are paying more for their energy than they should, we believe that one need not pay more for their energy needs than necessary. Across Australia, most households and businesses are paying more for their energy than they should. We believe that Australians should have access to the best deals of electricity and gas possible!

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Local Moves

Are you moving home and eager to get great electricity, gas, and internet prices at your new property? We can help you get the best possible prices available by comparing with a large range of energy providers in the market

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Find the right compare* broadband plan for your needs Answer a few simple questions and we’ll search hundreds of plans from some of Australia’s leading providers.

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What to Expect When Switching?

We make switching providers easy. We’ll ensure that there’s no major disruptions or delays when you switch across, and if you have any issues you can always pick up the phone and give us a ring. Our people are based in Australia so you’ll receive the customer service you expect and deserve.

Reasons to Switch Energy Retailers?

  • Save money— A new plan could come with greater savings. There are energy retailers with offers that can help you save more.
  • Support sustainability—An important factor to take into consideration is how an energy provider generates power. With the availability of green and renewable energy, you might want to reconsider and switch to more sustainable options.
  • Get better deals—The energy deals offered by energy providers often change. You might have been offered a great deal years ago, but as time passes, there may already be a better offer from another energy retailer, especially with regulatory changes in recent years.

How We Help Your Energy Needs?

Gаѕ аnd еlесtriсitу аrе ѕоmе оf оur biggеѕt hоuѕе hоld еxреnѕеѕ and amongst thе mоѕt соmрliсаtеd tо manage, but our service can help you find the right utilitiеѕ supplier аnd tariff with еаѕе.

How Do I Change Broadband Provider?

When you speak with one of our broadband specialists, we’ll give you a breakdown of the broadband connection type available at your property and all the broadband plans available.

While on the call, let us know what’s important to you, we love to help.  For example, do you require superfast megabit speeds, unlimited data, the cheapest broadband price, or the broadband *comparison rating.

If you want more information on a specific broadband provider please speak to us by calling 1300 036 952.


Any Questions for
Deal Reveal?

You can get a quote from us now,

free of charge!

You can Get a Quote from us now, free of charge!

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